Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Some sites to see

Well its coming down to crunch time, just 3 more days till I fly to Houston, then Kevin and I leave from there on Sunday afternoon, which will put us into San Jose' about 8 something pm. Am I packed?...sorta!

Anyway I wanted to share with you a few of the web sites I have been looking at for a couple months now, thought you might enjoy them too.

This one is a weather channel site for San Jose', lets you see what time it is there, what the weather is currently and what it is maybe gonna be for the next several days. Its:

Witchesrock surf camp has a live web cam that you can control for 2 minutes at a time just by clicking on the right button. I don't think we plan to go there but the scenery is fabo., especially about sunset, give it a try at:

Tree House Restaurant, this is exactly what it says, a restaurant in a giant tree! They also have a web cam and you can watch people come in, sit and eat and talk etc. We do have plans to go and eat here, I don't know when but will let you all know a day ahead, and I will give you the time we plan to be there, I will ask for the table in front of the web cam so if you tune in at the right time you can see us in real time! So add it to your favs. and tune-in...any bets on what I will be drinking? :-)

Well thats it for now!

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